I suppose I should've had some thoughts on the inevitable left-wing, female counter-reaction of 2017 and 2018, but I was just keeping my head down trying not to get sprayed in shit. Seriously, people suck in as many directions as there are on an eleven-dimensional compass. Who knew?
If you keep up with the confluence of American pop culture and politics, you've probably caught the revenge porn-y story of Aziz Ansari, a dopey manlet of a half-comedian whose virtue signaling attempts at feminism pretty much prepositioned him for a shit sandwich. (I don't really hate the guy, but goddamn is his comedy lame. He did do a joke about a sweater that was good, though, so there's that. I really don't get the whole attentionwhore-industrial complex at all.)
Imaginably, this led to whatever passes for soul searching these days. You know, motherfuckers creating clickbait from every angle and seeing which angle agitates the most clicks. There was the genre of "creepy/lame is as bad as rape, and every allegation should treated as gospel". (No it isn't, and OMFG what happened to due process?!?!) There was the genre of "Oh, this counter-reactionary shit is going too far." (Probably, but such is the nature of cultural reactions, counter-reactions, and over-reactions. I mean, Hollywood isn't exactly turning into Romania after the fall of communism.)
Then there was my favorite: the "Is our boys learnin?" genre.
The one that actually tipped me over into writing an article was this one: When Pop Culture Sells Dangerous Myths About Romance.
It actually starts out with a pretty good case. Fundamentally it boils down to "Say Anything" is a creepy fuck movie, and it's romanticization is dumb and wrong.
But, from the beginning there are references that piss me off. Specifically, the idea that the disgusting pop culture trash that women produce for women somehow informs the rape-y-ness of guys. You know what I'm talking about. 50 Shades of Grey. Twilight. Gossip Girl.
It's not the majority of the rape culture playlist, but it's definitely worth asking an important question: why the fuck do women like rape-y stories so much?
I'm a believer that the common female fantasy is the product of a desire to be desired. There's even a bit of a humblebrag component there. It basically translates to, "I'm so fuckin hawt that guy was ready to rape me."
It doesn't change the fact, however, that some of the most questionable rape culture artifacts are aimed at women as the primary consumers. Guys didn't learn anything from the movie Say Anything because they stopped paying attention to the plot fifteen minutes in.
Worse, some of the rape-y-est shit is written by women, for women. I mean, EL James read Twilight and pretty much said, "Oh, you think your gross stalker story was rape-y? Hold my fuckin beer. I'm gonna write some full-on dubious consent porn fanfic that includes relentless acts of emotional sadism and irregular deviations from an established model of affirmative consent. Poorly. Very poorly. Daringly poorly."
It's mind blowing. Frankly, feminism needs to get its house the fuck in order. Or face the fact that there's something really deep-down fucking dark in women's souls that's attracted to aggressive sexual predation.
If I saw someone constantly feasting on shit and always finding ways to only dine at places that served actual human feces, I would assume that person has some form of coprophagia. I would assume, despite any protests to the contrary, that their relentless consumption of actual shit was a demonstration of a love for eating shit. Because seriously, who complains about eating shit and then demands that they be served shit that was prepared by other shit eaters?
In the whole #MeToo movement, there's a lot of truth. I mean, even hardcore Red Pill gamers would acknowledge that jerking off into a potted plant in front of an actress is probably not even Plan Z, let alone Plan A. Or that it's even a plan as much as a gross reaction to having your plan stunted before it could bloom into whatever dubious consent scenario you were hoping for as the person with all the power. It's the sort of profound truth that shouldn't be profound, but apparently is for some guys. Again, humans suck in more directions than three-dimensional space can accurately describe.
Once you start trending into the Aziz Ansari territory, especially equating him to Harvey Weinstein, I'm out. Fuck you. That shit was revenge porn.
And do we really need to reframe the story as an object lesson in how boys are learning the wrong things?
Also, who the fuck thinks that any straight boys were watching Say Anything? Trust me, they were watching Fight Club and dreaming of the day they could find a hawt goth chick and fuck here like Tyler Durden. Seriously, it's literally written all over the PUA blogs. There was even a modestly famous PUA who went by the handle of Tyler Durden.
I mean, if you're gonna discuss heteronormative male sexuality, it might be instructive to start by looking at heteronormative male sexuality. Cuz talking about Say Anything and a bunch of whiny love songs is actually studying products that we manufactured for heteronormatively female consumers.
But that's not what we're doing. It seems that women don't even have the cultural vocabulary to describe how men see sex. Apparently women really are from Omicron Persei 7 and men are from Omicron Persei 9.
Conversely, men I don't think even have the right anatomical charts in their heads to describe the female experience. Seriously, there are right now a bunch of Jesus-y Mike Pence motherfuckers running around this world objecting to the use of birth control while not realizing precisely why they don't 20 children. (Hint: it's birth control.)
The problem is that rewarding aggression essentially triggers compound interest. If you reward one sexually aggressive man, you can expect two more to appear. And women reward male sexual aggression. In fact, they write Homeric epics about it.
If you think about it from an evolutionary standpoint, what is the downside for the Y chromosome in being sexually aggressive? If you're hot and it works, congratulations on being hot. If you're hideous and it fails, well it was at least worth a try because you're unfuckably hideous. (And you can apparently always just release your pent up tension into a potted plant. Again, who knew?)
One of the biggest reasons so many guys think all feminism is bullshit is because women are, frankly, sitting on the wrong side of the old "physician heal thyself" invocation. Women treat everything as an externality. The title of Hillary Clinton's book after she lost the 2016 election was "What Happened?"
I talked a bit about this problem three years ago on the blog. I will now crassly quote myself because I have fucking earned the right to do so . . .
For women life is something that happens to them.Women seem to collectively refuse to take responsibility for their own sexuality, even a solid 50 years into the supposed sexual revolution. Everything in the world is a set of externalities acting upon them. There's never a point where women ask themselves, "Why do we consume so much pop culture materials that is seriously rape-y AF?" Women never ask themselves serious questions about their own romanticization of rape. Instead, they pretend that hetero boys actually watched Say Anything and took away a lesson from it. (They didn't, and they didn't. Again, they were watching Fight Club. I cannot emphasize that strongly enough.)
Women like men who treat women like dirt. I mean, there's a fuckin reason that Pride and Prejudice is one of the most republished and repurposed more than anything in the English language outside of Shakespeare and the Bible. Women get wet for Mr. Darcy, and I probably should be concerned that they also get wet for Christian Grey. (Hmmm . . . what's the commoanlity?) Ladies sure seem to like their emotional sadism and dubious consent, yesno?
Until women can explain with a straight face why they so thoroughly enjoy literature that involves hot rich guys treating them like utter dogshit, they're not going to be taken seriously. So . . . what I'm actually saying is that women will never be taken seriously, because treating women like dogshit is pretty much the same as giving hydrocodone to a fentanyl junkie: deep down they wish you'd give them even harder shit to get fucked up on.
Until women are willing to cross the Rubicon into city of their own desires, they're not going to come up the winners in this fight. As the leading consumers of rape fantasy porn, it's on women to embargo themselves.